Piano Lessons in Round Rock, Texas, USA

Adult Group Classes

Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ

Q. If I miss a class, can I make it up by attending another class?
A. Yes, you're welcome for make-up at another class anytime.
Or you can also go over the next textbook lesson at home. I follow the textbook very closely.

Q. How can you handle eight students in one class? How does that work?
A. I have four pianos and five dummy keyboards. We take turns at the pianos.

Q. I have a keyboard at home. Would you like me to bring in my keyboard?
A. No, it's not necessary. I have acoustic pianos because they are better than keyboards, and I supplement them with the dummy keyboards. This system works well. We also spend some time doing written work.

Q. Which class should I be in? The beginner's class or the more advanced class?
A. The beginner's class is for students who have never had any music before. This class will advance slowly.
If you have had any music before, in any instrument, you should be in the more advanced class. In the more advanced class, we use the same textbook, and we begin at the beginning of the book, but we advance faster than the beginner's class.

Q. I don't have a keyboard. Do I need to have a keyboard?
A. You don't need to have a keyboard at home for this beginner's class. I have several dummy keyboards that I can loan out for home practice.

Q. Will I need to practice at home? How much time will this take?
A. Yes, you should practice at home. It should take 10 to 15 minutes four times a week.

Q. What will I learn in this class?
A. In this class you will learn to read and play simple tunes.

Q. Can I start out at one level and then change to a different level if I want to?
A. Yes, you may.
If you find that the beginner's level is too slow for you, and you're getting bored.
If you find that the more advanced level is moving too fast for you, and you're getting stressed out.
And you're welcome to make a change.

Final Words
Welcome to the class! We have middle age students who have always wanted to play piano, but never had the opportunity, and we have young tween students. We have people traveling from afar, and we have local residents. It is a joy to make music, and it is relaxing to play piano.

[email protected]
Telephone 512-246-2597

Office Hours
7:00 am to 6:00 pm weekdays;
Also 8:00 pm to 10:00 pm Tuesdays and Thursdays.
And 1:00-9:00 pm Saturdays;
Also 7:00 am to 4:00 pm Sundays.