The Two Princes

Poem - Poema
by Jos� Mart�
Traducci�n - Translation

The palace is in mourning
and the king cries in his throne,
and the queen is crying
where nobody can see her.
The queen and the king cry
on fine linen handkerchiefs.
The gentlemen of the palace
are crying too.
The horses are wearing black bridles and head gear.
The horses haven't eaten
because they don't want to eat.
The laurel tree in the large yard
lost all its leaves this time.
Everyone attended the funeral
with laurel wreaths.
The king's son has died!
The king has lost his son!

Among the poplars in the woods
the shepard has his home.
The shepard's wife is saying:
Why is the sun shining?
The sheep keep their heads lowered
and all come to the gate.
The shepard is lining
A long and deep box!
A sad dog comes in and out,
Inside a voice sings:
Little bird, I'm crazy;
take me where he flew to!
The shepard, crying, picks up
the shovel and the hoe.
He opens a grave in the ground,
he throws a flower in the grave;
The shepard has lost his son!
The shepard's son has died!

Translation by Lillian Martinez

Idea de la poetisa norteamericana Helen Hunt Jackson

El palacio est� de luto
Y en el trono llora el rey,
Y la reina est� llorando
Donde no la pueden ver:
En pa�uelos de hol�n fino
Lloran la reina y el rey:
Los se�ores del palacio
Est�n llorando tambi�n.
Los caballos llevan negro
El penacho y el arn�s:
Los caballos no han comido,
Porque no quieren comer:
El laurel del patio grande
Qued� sin hoja esta vez:
Todo el mundo fue al entierro
Con coronas de laurel:
� �El hijo del rey se ha muerto!
�Se le ha muerto el hijo al rey!

En los �lamos del monte
Tiene su casa el pastor:
La pastora est� diciendo
"�Por qu� tiene luz el sol?"
Las ovejas, cabizbajas,
Vienen todas al port�n:
�Una caja larga y honda
Est� forrando el pastor!
Entra y sale un perro triste:
Canta all� dentro una voz -
"�Pajarito, yo estoy loca,
Ll�vame donde �l vol�!":
El pastor coge llorando
La pala y el azad�n:
Abre en la tierra una fosa:
Echa en la fosa una flor:
-�Se qued� el pastor sin hijo!
�Muri� el hijo del pastor!

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