In Regard to the U.S.A. Embargo To Cuba

Hunger in Cuba is not the result of the U.S.A. embargo, as claimed by the Cuban Communist regime.

The truth is that the hunger is due to the fact that the Cuban regime has created an internal embargo in Cuba, by distributing the food that it receives from Spain, Mexico and other countries to:

1. The Communist Party Officials;
2. Tourists;
3. Special stores that sell to the people who have dollars.

Besides, the people of Cuba do not have incentive to produce.

With regard to the lack of medical treatment for the general population, the question is: Why are foreigners in Cuba provided the medical treatments?

Softening the embargo would only give more power to the Communists in Cuba.

International Front For the Freedom of Cuba
San Antonio, Texas, U.S.A.

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Copyright ©, 1999, Dr. Carlos D. Carbonell All Rights Reserved
Created -- 9/26/1999
Revised -- 3/23/05