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Cuba Libre Titles


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Title: Waiting for Snow in Havana
Author: Carlos M. N. Eire

Description: "Have mercy on me, Lord, I am Cuban." In 1962, Carlos Eire was one of 14,000 children airlifted out of Cuba -- exiled from his family, his country, and his own childhood by the revolution. The memories of Carlos's life in Havana, cut short when he was just eleven years old, are at the heart of this stunning, evocative, and unforgettable memoir.
Waiting for Snow in Havana is both an exorcism and an ode to a paradise lost. For the Cuba of Carlos's youth -- with its lizards and turquoise seas and sun-drenched siestas -- becomes an island of condemnation once a cigar-smoking guerrilla named Fidel Castro ousts President Batista on January 1, 1959. Suddenly the music in the streets sounds like gunfire. Christmas is made illegal, political dissent leads to imprisonment, and too many of Carlos's friends are leaving Cuba for a place as far away and unthinkable as the United States. Carlos will end up there, too, and fulfill his mother's dreams by becoming a modern American man -- even if his soul remains in the country he left behind.
Narrated with the urgency of a confession, Waiting for Snow in Havana is a eulogy for a native land and a loving testament to the collective spirit of Cubans everywhere.

Title: La Madre de Todas las Conspiraciones
Author: Servando Gonzales

Description: Este es un mensaje para aquellas personas interesadas en profundizar las noticias mucho m�s all� de lo que nos dicen los noticieros locales y nacionales. Quiero recomendarles la lectura de un nuevo libro escrito por un buen amigo, Servando Gonzales, titulado "La Madre de Todas las Conspiraciones." Este libro es una novela y generalmente yo no soy lector de novelas al menos que contengan cierta informaci�n hist�rica o que presenten verdades de la vida real como este libro del Sr. Gonzales lo hace. Ex�ste muy poco material escrito en espa�ol sobre el Nuevo Orden Mundial que sea racional y presentado en forma que pueda alcanzar a una buena variedad de lectores. Este libro da la respuesta a muchas preguntas que hasta ahora han permanecido sin respuestas. Su servidor ha est�do familiarizado con este material por muchos a�os y les puedo decir que Servando ha hecho una gran obra y servicio de informaci�n al p�blico, especialmente a los cubanos, que por a�os han luchado por la libertad de Cuba solamente para verse bloqueados por nuestro gobierno. D�jenme decirles que no todo el mundo aceptar� este libro. Los pro-castristas, socialistas, fascistas e incluso muchos cubanos lo van a rechazar. Pero si Ud. es una persona que busca la verdad, que est� interesado en el futuro de su pa�s, entonces, este libro es para Ud. Es un libro fuerte para problemas fuertes, bien razonado y como est� en forma de novela es tambi�n entretenido. Contiene misterio, acci�n, amor y especialmente un excelente mensaje para todos los cubanos que buscan la verdad. Como veterano de Vietnam, aprecio el papel importante que juegan los veteranos de Vietman en este libro. Concuerdo con Servando en casi todo lo que escribi� en este libro y me complace mucho sugerirselos a Uds.
Jorge Masp�ns

Title: Before Night Falls
Author: Reinaldo Arenas, Dolores M. Koch (Translator)

Description: Reviews
a distinguished addition to the literature of dissent and exile

From Cuban novelist Arenas (The Doorman, 1991, etc.), who, ill with AIDS, committed suicide in 1990 shortly after completing this book: an extraordinarily powerful autobiography that's both a poignant personal memoir and a damning political indictment of the Castro regime and its supporters. The only child of a mother whose lover deserted her, Arenas was raised in his peasant grandparents' home. Living in the countryside (whose superstitions and rituals the author vividly evokes here), the large family barely grew enough to feed themselves. As a teenager, Arenas worked in a factory, but, bored, he joined Castro's rebels, whose battles against Batista turned out to be more propaganda than reality--the real killing began, Arenas says, once Castro was in power. Selected for further education, he was sent for accountant's training in a remote camp where Marxist- Leninist texts and dogma were taught by Communists. By now, Arenas, disenchanted with Castro's totalitarian regime, had begun to write. His work soon attracted attention and he moved to Havana, where he wrote two novels that, though unpublished, won prestigious awards. Shortly afterward, the harassment began that would lead to the smuggling abroad of his writings, which were published overseas to critical acclaim; to brutal imprisonment and torture; and, finally, to exile with the Mariel boatlift. A homosexual--Arenas is very frank here about his experiences and feelings--and political dissident, the author had been doubly vulnerable in a state where homosexuals were routinely imprisoned.

Title: The Aguero Sisters : A Novel
Author: Cristina Garcia

Description: Reviews
Literary Fiction and Classics Editor's Recommended Book

In this novel of family history and myth, Christina Garcia gives us Reina and Constancia Aguero, sisters who grew up in Cuba, but who haven't talked in thirty years--not since Constancia snuck out of Cuba and crossed the water to the United States, where she assimilated into her adopted country's culture as completely and deeply as she could. The beautiful and charismatic Reina, meanwhile, stayed in Cuba where she became a skilled electrician and a staunch supporter of la revolucion. The long-estranged sisters are finally heading toward a reunion, and as they come together their own stories and the legacy of their scientist-parents is told and retold in an elegantly written novel that investigates the several natures of identity--personal, familial, and even national.

Title: A Message to Garcia
Author: Elbert Hubbard

Description: This brief story tells you exactly how to be excellent!

This is a lament that people cannot be counted on to get a job done. One man could; and he did deliver a message to Garcia, no matter what. The whole book was written in a matter of an hour or so and has sold tens of millions of copies. I have used it to inspire a weak employee and am considering giving it as a present to my best 150 clients.

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